We registered our 24,000th sterilization case on August 20 at a campaign in the village of Valenciana. In recognition of this important event, we presented an award to a rescued female dog named Vacilic and her guardians. Altogether, we sterilized 147 dogs and cats in August, and two of our regular volunteers received their degrees in veterinary medicine during the month. Read more
More people attended this year than last, the event was well organized, and the weather cooperated for the most part. SuperMestizo was the highpoint of course. Read more
Mariana Gómez Grobet has been supporting Amigos since 2002, when she was a teenager. She’s one of our most loyal friends, even though she has not lived in Guanajuato for more than two decades. Read more
During September, people who own property in Mexico can have a testamentary Will prepared at a discount. Having a Mexican will gives you control over your Mexican estate and allows you to determine who inherits your property. Read more
Our 22nd anniversary party will take place at La Casa Grande on February 11. We welcome your donated items for the shop, prizes for the auction, and help with organizing the event. Read more
Topics planned for the September issue include a report on our sterilization campaigns and education activities during the month, a profile of two major donors, and an article on cats’ needs. Read more
Amigos and other animal-welfare groups in Guanajuato will commemorate International Homeless Animals Day by celebrating the 10th Animal Fest in Los Pastitos Park on Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Amigos de los Animales will present Super Mestizo, a parade and contest of mixed-breed dogs at 1 p.m. Read more
Amigos volunteers began a series of conversations on Channel 8 about the needs of cats on August 3. Read more
The author imagined a conversation her two cats were having while snuggling on the couch. Read more