During October our volunteers participated in Fundación Corazón Animal’s annual Run with Your Dog event, we began displaying new educational messages on the backs of two city buses, our team sterilized 73 dogs and cats a two campaigns, and two of our volunteers organized three educational events for children and gave two interviews on local TV Channel 8. Read more
Amigos volunteers prepared lots of delicious foods for our Christmas Market, to be held on December 3 in Plaza Allende. Our veterinarians and volunteers sterilized 138 animals and entertained children with stories and coloring books at two sterilization campaigns. November 28 was Giving Tuesday. Read more
Acquiring a pet should be a serious commitment and not an impulsive act. Both children and parents need to be prepared to care for the animal throughout its life. Read more
The holidays can be a stressful time for pets. Here are steps you can take to avoid losing a pet and advice on what to do if you do lose one. Read more
Guanajuato resident Tom Reavley suggests thanking Guanajuato for being a beautiful, friendly city by becoming a Querido Amigo (major donor). Read more