December 2023

  • Firecrackers nearly banned in Guanajuato

    Firecrackers nearly banned in Guanajuato

    The state legislature has just considered regulating fireworks, but the PAN voted to preserve the tradition of using firecrackers in religious festivals. Interviewed on local television, Julia Salido discussed the harmful effects of firecrackers on humans and pets, urging pet owners to protect their animals when firecrackers are used in their neighborhoods. Read more

  • Our mission to address pet overpopulation

    Our mission to address pet overpopulation

    Amigos de los Animales focuses on helping pet owners control their pets’ fertility by offering low-cost sterilization services to the Guanajuato community. On December 10 we sterilized 79 animals at our 23rd campaign of the year, achieving a total of 1,440 sterilizations during 2023. Read more

  • Three very successful fundraisers: Giving Tuesday, our Christmas Market, and Terri’s Tiny Tiendita

    Three very successful fundraisers: Giving Tuesday, our Christmas Market, and Terri’s Tiny Tiendita

    In November Amigos donors contributed $827 USD in response to our Giving Tuesday appeal, in December our Christmas Market raised $2,168 USD, and the sale of holiday items from Terri’s Tiny Tiendita raised $471 USD for Amigos. Many thanks to all who made these fundraisers so successful. Read more

  • Living safely with dogs

    Living safely with dogs

    Millions of people, mostly young children, are bitten by dogs every year. The Humane Society of the United States offers recommendations to help dog owners to prevent their dogs from biting people. Read more