December 2024

  • Santa arrived on Boxing Day!

    Santa arrived on Boxing Day!

    Our friend Sue Parry gave her annual Boxing Day party on December 26. The party was of course festive, with lots of good food, live music, and cheerful people. It also included a raffle and an auction of many wonderful prizes that were donated to support Amigos de los Animales. Read more

  • Our Christmas Market on December 1 was the most successful yet!

    Our Christmas Market on December 1 was the most successful yet!

    Thanks to you, our volunteers and shoppers, the Christmas Market was a huge success, topping previous years’ sales by significant amounts. In addition, Terri Rasmussen held a Christmas sale for our benefit at her Tiny Tiendita on December 2, increasing our holiday income even more. Read more

  • Mexico puts animal welfare into its Constitution

    Mexico puts animal welfare into its Constitution

    Earlier this month Mexico became the 10th country to include animal welfare in its Constitution, but its provisions are much more specific than those of other countries. Read more

  • Amigos de los Animales recognized by the city government

    Amigos de los Animales recognized by the city government

    On December 7, a representative of the municipal government presented a certificate of recognition to Amigos de los Animales de Guanajuato for our contribution to animal welfare and public education. Read more

  • 107 animals sterilized at our final campaign of the year

    107 animals sterilized at our final campaign of the year

    Our December campaign presented special challenges, but we overcame them to sterilize the largest number of the year. Read more

  • Save the date!

    Save the date!

    On February 16 we’ll celebrate our 23rd anniversary with a fantastic Fiesta Carnival, so get your costume and dancing shoes ready. It’s going to be a blast. Read more

  • From our archives
    How to help outdoor dogs in harsh weather

    From our archivesHow to help outdoor dogs in harsh weather

    This article originally appeared in our December 2008 newsletter. It suggests three ideas for keeping a dog that lives outdoors warm. The first is simple and costs almost nothing. The second is somewhat elaborate but results in a well-insulated doghouse. The third is an inexpensive though temporary solution to a dog’s need for shelter. Read more