We’re changing the way we bring you news

We want you to know what we’ve been up to!

Since 2002, our quarterly Newsletter, along with its accompanying email, has been the primary way we communicate with you. However, it was not able to keep up with our most current events, and its issues were perhaps becoming a bit too long. So we’ve decided to switch to weekly, bite-sized news items that will be more timely and easier to digest.

The weekly articles will appear in your inbox (if you’re a subscriber!) on Sunday mornings. Initially they will arrive as separate emails in both English and Spanish, but you will have the opportunity to indicate your language preference for future mailings. 

The newest articles will also appear on our website in both languages around the same time, along with previous articles we’ve published in our Newsletters.

As part of this change, you may notice a new layout on the News page of our website. There you will find a comprehensive list of all our published articles and newsletters. You will be able to browse chronologically as well as by category.

We hope you like the change, and we welcome your comments!