Acquiring a pet should be a serious commitment and not an impulsive act. Both children and parents need to be prepared to care for the animal throughout its life. Read more
The holidays can be a stressful time for pets. Here are steps you can take to avoid losing a pet and advice on what to do if you do lose one. Read more
On October 12, Tony López and Julia Salido gave an interview on Channel 8 about the factors to consider when deciding upon what kind of pet is appropriate for your circumstances. For your own and your pet’s welfare, it’s wise to choose a pet that is suited to your age, home, economic situation, and lifestyle. Read more
Amigos volunteers Tony López, Julia Salido, discussed the merits of adopting, as opposed to buying, a dog or cat during their interview on Channel 8 on October 26. Amigos de los Animales recommends adoption in nearly all cases, for reasons enumerated in this article. Read more
In several interviews on Channel 8’s program “Despierta Guanajuato” in August and September, Tony López and Julia Salido resumed their conversation with host Luis Camacho about cats’ needs. Read more
Amigos volunteers began a series of conversations on Channel 8 about the needs of cats on August 3. Read more
The author imagined a conversation her two cats were having while snuggling on the couch. Read more
Julia Salido describes the advice her family received from her father’s doctors when he became gravely ill and how inappropriate that advice was in his case. This article originally appeared in our Newsletter in April of 2010. Read more
Leo the cat, with help from Constance La Lena, tells his life story. Read more
I don’t know what happened to my birth mom, but now my human is my mom and we are always together. Read more