Amigos’ annual fiesta on February 11, our major fundraising event for 2024, drew a large crowd and raised $229,659 pesos in support of our sterilization and education activities. The Valentine’s Day–themed party featured delicious food prepared by an army of volunteers, dozens of donations from individuals and businesses for our auction and raffle, three separate sales areas, drinks, music, and dancing. Antonia (Tony) López Palacios was the recipient of our Volunteer of the Year Award, and Susan Pataky received our Founder’s Award. We invite our readers’ comments on the fiesta and your ideas for future fundraising events. Read more
It’s time to get your tickets for this gala event, to be held on Sunday, February 11, at La Casa Grande in San Javier. Here are the details. Read more
In November Amigos donors contributed $827 USD in response to our Giving Tuesday appeal, in December our Christmas Market raised $2,168 USD, and the sale of holiday items from Terri’s Tiny Tiendita raised $471 USD for Amigos. Many thanks to all who made these fundraisers so successful. Read more
During October our volunteers participated in Fundación Corazón Animal’s annual Run with Your Dog event, we began displaying new educational messages on the backs of two city buses, our team sterilized 73 dogs and cats a two campaigns, and two of our volunteers organized three educational events for children and gave two interviews on local TV Channel 8. Read more
Amigos volunteers prepared lots of delicious foods for our Christmas Market, to be held on December 3 in Plaza Allende. Our veterinarians and volunteers sterilized 138 animals and entertained children with stories and coloring books at two sterilization campaigns. November 28 was Giving Tuesday. Read more
More people attended this year than last, the event was well organized, and the weather cooperated for the most part. SuperMestizo was the highpoint of course. Read more
Our 22nd anniversary party will take place at La Casa Grande on February 11. We welcome your donated items for the shop, prizes for the auction, and help with organizing the event. Read more
Amigos and other animal-welfare groups in Guanajuato will commemorate International Homeless Animals Day by celebrating the 10th Animal Fest in Los Pastitos Park on Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Amigos de los Animales will present Super Mestizo, a parade and contest of mixed-breed dogs at 1 p.m. Read more
Juan Jesús Vargas offered a lesson in vegetarian cooking as an auction prize at our annual fundraising event in February, and John Denissen was the lucky winner. In the following article, Juan Jesús describes delivering John’s prize. Read more
Endre and Susan Pataky hosted a fabulous Indian buffet at their home on Sunday, June 4, to celebrate their 11th wedding anniversary. The event raised 17,000 pesos for Amigos de los Animales. Read more