This article originally appeared in our December 2008 newsletter. It suggests three ideas for keeping a dog that lives outdoors warm. The first is simple and costs almost nothing. The second is somewhat elaborate but results in a well-insulated doghouse. The third is an inexpensive though temporary solution to a dog’s need for shelter. Read more
Grab your shopping bag and head over to Plaza Allende tomorrow between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to buy delicious homemade holiday goodies. Read more
One of our volunteers, Abril Herrera Galván, has just received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. This news coincided with our board of directors’ plans to host a breakfast for our sterilization campaign volunteers. It was therefore an especially festive occasion. Read more
In November we sterilized 62 dogs and cats at two sterilization campaigns, in Yerbabuena and San José de Cervera. Both campaigns ran smoothly. Read more
Niña, our beloved van, is on her last wheels, and we urgently need to raise money for her replacement. Please help us reach our goal of $17,500 USD so that we can buy a newer vehicle for our sterilization campaigns. Read more
Dr. Sandra Hernández Gutiérrez, the newest member of our surgical team, has enhanced our team’s effectiveness and shares our vision of a more compassionate community. Read more
As usual, there were two sterilization campaigns in October. The first one was successful; the second was a whopper. Altogether, we sterilized 164 animals, 84 dogs and 80 cats. Read more
Amigos educators Antonia López and Julia Salido spent a recent hour with children at Resplandor International in Cajones, focusing on the proper care of pets. Read more
Terri’s Tiny Tiendita may be tiny, but it gives Amigos a big boost. Read more
Our Meet and Greet attracted some people who were curious about us, and everyone had fun. Read more