Meet, Indie, an injured puppy who wandered into an Amigos sterilization campaign. Read more
Guanajuato TQM is supporting Brillantes Caminantes, Casa Esperanza, and Amigos de los Animales with its sale of coffee mugs. Read more
Amigos’ annual fiesta on February 11, our major fundraising event for 2024, drew a large crowd and raised $229,659 pesos in support of our sterilization and education activities. The Valentine’s Day–themed party featured delicious food prepared by an army of volunteers, dozens of donations from individuals and businesses for our auction and raffle, three separate sales areas, drinks, music, and dancing. Antonia (Tony) López Palacios was the recipient of our Volunteer of the Year Award, and Susan Pataky received our Founder’s Award. We invite our readers’ comments on the fiesta and your ideas for future fundraising events. Read more
On February 4 we sterilized dogs and cats at Resplandor International in Cajones, and on February 18 we sterilized 71 animals at the Community Center in Las Teresas. Read more
Our education team conducted two interviews on Channel 8, and Tony López spoke about pets’ needs with groups of children attending a health fair at a local primary school. Read more
It’s time to get your tickets for this gala event, to be held on Sunday, February 11, at La Casa Grande in San Javier. Here are the details. Read more
In 2023 we exceeded the number of sterilizations in each of the four previous years, trained three veterinary students in rapid sterilization techniques, formally launched our children’s education program, participated in several events focusing on pets, began giving bimonthly interviews on Guanajuato’s local television channel, expanded our social media presence, and ended the year in financial good health. Read more
It’s been a busy month for us. We have new educational messages on the backs of two city buses. Our planning committee for the annual Amigos Fiesta next month has been busy preparing for the event. Our education team visited a center for youth in Santa Teresa and participated in three interviews on a local TV channel. We held our first two sterilization campaigns of the year. Our board of directors met to continue planning our activities for the year. And we held a reception for our major donors to express our appreciation of their support. Read more
One of our auction prize winners and her guests celebrated the New Year enjoying an elaborate traditional Japanese New Year’s feast, prepared by Miko Mosher. Christina won the dinner at our annual fiesta last February. Read more
The state legislature has just considered regulating fireworks, but the PAN voted to preserve the tradition of using firecrackers in religious festivals. Interviewed on local television, Julia Salido discussed the harmful effects of firecrackers on humans and pets, urging pet owners to protect their animals when firecrackers are used in their neighborhoods. Read more